Monday, December 3, 2012

Multimedia Blog

This assignment was a freestyle, where I had to create a flyer for Senior Pajama day utilizing many of the techniques I have learned. I included various texts, a gradient, and some brush tools.

For this assignment I used the website above to help complete the effect. The assignment asked to create a layer over an article of clothing, I selected a dress, and design it with a unique print/ fabric over it. The transition went really well, and I softened the pattern a bit to make it look more authentic.

In this assignment, I created my own "Change one thing" flyer based on the template provided on the food bank website. The unhealthy food I selected was a caramel frappachino from Starbucks, and the healthier option was fruit from a fruit cup. In the flyer i used a gradient, and also created several layers to align the unhealthy choice. To highlight the fruit cup, I utilized some of the blending options and created a "glowing" effect.

In this assignment I had to select and image with a face and another image/symbol I wanted to mask over the face. I decided to used a picture of Obama, and the symbol to be merged was the American Flag from his "Moving Foward" campaign.
I used the above website to help me with the effect.

In this assignment I had to create an effect that focused on a single part of an image, while bluring out the background. In short, it is kind of an effect similar to that of a speeding car. I decided to choose an image with a car that was parked on the side walk. When the image was blurred and the image of he car was refined again, it gave an effect of a speeding car.

In this assignment, I had to create a quick mask over an image. I selected this model to use. I selected her lips as the area to be highlighted, then completed a quick mask in Red over her lips. I also added a slight quick mask all over her face. 

This was an optional extra credit assignment I completed. I had to utilize some of the skills I had learned previously in order to create sort of a flyer about Hurricane Sandy. To personalize more I selected three images of hurricane sandy, then centered an image based on how others can contribute to the relief effort. This centered image was edited with blending options to add emphasis. I also added a gradient to the background.

This assignment was the last practice with basic skills. I had to add a soft focus effect to make the overall image glow. After adding the soft effect over the entire image,. I refined areas like the eyes, and smile to make them stand out again.

For the last marking period I really struggled with the final and the button making. Overall, I did much better with smaller assignments than with large assignments that compromised of many skills. Overall the semester was pretty frustrating for me.